Tuesday – September 29, 2020

Well, the day started with a pond malfunction. Something went wrong with the pump, and when I went out to feed the birds I could hear the pump spewing water, and the stream was dry. The pond water was low, being pumped out for no idea how long, and the fish were concerned. Luckily, we are on a well, so water can be added directly by hose. In a few hours, the level was up, and Connie, the pond wizard, has been called and will visit this week. All the fish are happy. In the meantime, it’s eerily quiet without the stream.

There are many doves here, and Jane says she has no doves at her house, yet we feed the same seed and suet. Very strange!

I was scheduled for a mammogram today. It was due in March, but covid complicated things. I left a little late, rushed to St. Luke’s and arrived with ten minutes in hand. The waiting room was packed, which was surprising and unsettling. They did not have me on the schedule, and I had failed to bring my confirmation number in with me. I happily rescheduled because of the crowd. I was resigned to it being “one of those days”. I will send them my confirmation info, though, just on principle. About an hour each way in the car, and the better part of a day wasted. But I got home and Jane and I rode, while I complained about everything under the sun. Bart was delightful, and did not add to the day’s misery. Harry was hard at work in the studio. We waved as we rode past, then later I went in and took a picture of the artist at work.

As usual, cats provided camera fodder…

Oisin was ready to come in before the dinner call. Bart was busy eating greens.

Harry gave the dogs their usual, frequent treats. Roscoe does not approve of this behavior.

Finally, another beautiful sunset to end a frustrating day.

Stay safe, stay well, smooth sailing.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday – September 29, 2020”

  1. Arghh that kind of day needs rides with friends and dogs and a brilliant sculptor for sure. Lucky you have those! Michigan is live in full color!

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