Every morning, when I walk out to the barn, Cedar joins me for her cat food scatter. She gets a taste, in hopes that she will make less effort to break into the tack room and steal all the cat food.
But before I get to today’s pictures, here is what I found when I got to bed last night.
Today, the horses were happy with another cool morning. Chores went smoothly, and then we packed into the car and set off for more St. Louis errands.
Harry is ready to go.
We were home in good time for lunch, and I had made one of my famous, rare, semi annual meals yesterday, so we had our favorite food – leftovers. It was not a great time of day for bird pictures, and the number of birds is greatly reduced lately, but I made an effort.
There are doves in abundance A splash of cardinal red amidst the fading green A Tiffany cardinal (the light fixture reflected in the glass)
At the other side of the house, there was a bit of tension between Tom Morris, who is, as Roscoe points out, a “barn cat”, and the Maltese King of cats, who considers the porch his domain. No blood was spilled.
Ignoring the stare. If looks could kill…
The Crouchers never venture as far as the house. The barn is home and safety, and has been for eleven years.
Twizzler Skittle
Harry went to work in the studio for the afternoon.
The dogs always rush to proceed to the studio when I go toward the back door. They love to visit Harry, as do I.
Nettie Mistletoe Weedy practicing “sit” and hoping for a treat Cedar on the couch
Marianne arrived to do the real work, as I lounged around with my camera.
The dangerous dumping Still smiling despite the danger
Before heading out for the evening grazing, Stone and Oisin share a good scratch.
Finally, it’s the end of summer, but the bees are still hard at work. They are a joy to have around, and much too busy to be any danger to us.
Honey bee on blue basil
Stay safe, stay well, share the world.
Seeing Harry and Weedy together is a thing of wonder.The love and connection and mutual adoration is something we all could use more of. Your sharing these moments of beauty and peace make my mornings better. Tink says dank u, she is Dutch. I’m expressing my gratitude this morning with the Portugese obrigado. Not because we have any connection at all to Portugal, I just like the rhythm of the word.
Leftovers can be great. Or as the parson said while saying grace, “I seem to have blessed some of this food yesterday.”
I love that, Janis!
Your blogs are very enlightening. Thanks Ann.
love the doves most, and then the card.