Tuesday – May 12, 2020

Another day of recovering strength, which is happening steadily, though it doesn’t make for interesting reading, I’m afraid.

It was a lovely, cool, cloudy day, which meant horses came in late and went out early, without annoyance by irksome insects.

I took a few pictures around the place in between resting. In the front garden…

And in the studio…

Artist at work

On the way to the house from the barn, I was serenaded by a mockingbird. They are such a joy to have around, even though they are not colorful to look at. They more than compensate with colorful language.

And finally, my last chore for the day was feeding Licorice, the odd black cat that lives in the woods. A couple of weeks ago, she indicated that she would prefer to eat under the flatbed trailer instead of in the woods, and so our routine has changed a little bit. She is always delighted to see me, and was in particularly good appetite this evening. She has established her own way of living in the world, and it has served her well for almost eleven years. Efforts to provide shelter are spurned. She likes to live wild. But she does also like to eat.


Stay safe, stay well, bon appetit, and watch out for ticks.

3 thoughts on “Tuesday – May 12, 2020”

  1. yes, lovely pictures indeed!
    i actually recognized the flowers. so proud of myself 🙂

  2. I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling stronger. We miss you guys 💕

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