Tuesday – March 9, 2021

We do have a few bird pictures today.

It was trash day, and Harlan was in fine form. He always places the dumpster perfectly, which is an art. It was a beautiful day for any outdoor endeavor this morning. Alas, the wind kicked into high gear this afternoon.

After barn work, I relaxed on the porch with Harry and the dogs for a little while. Cedar was out patrolling for varmints, so no picture of her.

Jane decided to give herself and Derry a day off today. I bicycled over to her house to show her something, and took some pictures, though failed to get one of Jane herself, and Gus and Clover didn’t make the cut. I was hoping for a red headed woodpecker, which has been visiting her feeder, but no luck.

Back home, I rode in the wind, which was no fun at all. I took Stone on the trails a little bit, but in the woods the trees were swaying madly with the wind and I wondered if one might fall on us. That did not happen, but the idea of it ruined the relaxation of wandering through the woods.

Back in the barn, I got pictures of two fat cats. Cora makes Rosie look svelte.

Purple crocuses are popping up all over, and the pastures are starting to show some green!

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.