Tuesdays are always busy, with trash pickup, and Physical Therapy, but Jane and I got a late ride in this afternoon with perfect weather. We are so lucky to have our horses at home, and to be able to ride together.
The good news is that Weedy seems to be fine today.
Poor Harry is exhausted this evening. He started the day with his hour and a half of exercise, beginning on the bike in the basement. Nettie came down to see just what was going on.
Then, when Dan, the physical therapist arrived, Harry had to do biking again, as well as many new exercises! Also, the latest health safety rule is that we, too, have to wear masks. I finally remembered to get a picture of Dan.
Masked Harry
Harry had time for a short rest with the dogs…
Harry, Cedar & Weedy Cedar and Weedy home from adventure Nettie is happy that I finally mended the rip in her bed.
Outside, the quince fruit bush is starting to bloom and the magnolia is having a resurgence of bloom!
Quince Magnolia
And since we have passed the last frost date, basement plants have been moved outside. They survived! And I survived moving them…
Stay safe, keep washing hands, and persevere.
Your plants look so happy outside! I don’t know what the time of day you took the photo, the lighting is magical!