Thursday – November 4, 2021

A frustrating day, this has turned out to be a frustrating week with regard to riding. Luckily, the frosty mornings are inspiring self exercise in the horses.

No joy today – the trap was not tripped, no food was eaten. Luckily, it seems the cats are not tempted anymore, having seen Licorice make a mistake and get caught. It will be set for one more night, trying to get the second little possum. But that varmint may have decided to leave the shed as a bad bet.

While I was drinking a cup of coffee, I heard the dreaded sound of a bird strike on the glass door. The sharp whack against glass, and then a softer thud. My heart sank. It was a goldfinch, but it wasn’t dead. I didn’t want to stress it by trying to save it, so I sat down and waited, making sure no cats appeared on the porch before the situation resolved.

It did not look good. Wings spread, little eyes closed, and panting. But slowly, it seemed to revive, and after about 15 minutes, it perked right up and flew off into the tree.

While I was waiting with the stunned bird, the other birds fed happily, not caring a whit.

Not long after the happy ending to that bad start, naughty Marmalade showed up with bad intentions. I scatted him, and he nearly broke his neck leaping off the porch.

Marianne was here to help with barn work, and I took a picture of her smile, not at all diminished by the cold morning.

Centurylink called to tell me a technician was coming out, so I changed plans and waited for faster internet speed, with little belief it would happen. I was right.

Harry went off to a meeting and errands, and I worked around here, which turned out to be fine, because the Kawasaki Mule returned from its new muffler and new battery adventure. Best of all, my favorite whip, which had slipped down behind the seat, was still there, after all the travel and repairs!

There were two pairs of sibling cats meriting pictures today. I saw the Crouchers by the barn, and Harry got a shot of Roscoe and his sister, Rosie on the path.

When Harry returned and went to work in the studio, I stopped in and took some pictures.

Marmalade regained his composure and sunny disposition by the afternoon. I hope he will desist from stalking birds after his fright at hearing the word “Scat!” ring out behind him.

Centurylink sent me an email to let me know that they would not be coming out today – I opened it at 5:30 after waiting around all day. Ah, well, I got plenty done while I puttered around.

Late in the day, I received sad news that Gerry Bush had died last week. He rode Western horses, and had his own beautiful palomino, Goldy, but he loved all horses. After he retired, he was a fixture at all the shows at the NEC, watching happily, whatever the discipline, and always with a ready smile and appreciation for every horse. He was a kind person, and is now on to the next adventure.

Many of us are now in the autumn of our lives. It’s a beautiful, brief time and we should make the most of it.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

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