Snow Day – February 16

Wednesday was positively hot, nearly 70 degrees F (21.1 C) and Jane and I had a fun day in St. Clair with Brett and his fabulous gray horses, Crumlin and Junior. I was drenched in sweat by the end of the day. Jane took a couple of short videos, which provide a glimpse. Lotta and Jane were both a huge help schooling us.

Yesterday was another mild, pleasant day. Jane and I had a delightful fitness ride on Derry and Bart. Oisin kept me on my toes, riding alone late in the day. He saw several monsters in the fading light. I saw a monster in the weather forecast, though, and officially canceled the much anticipated Orchid Show and lunch for Friday with four old friends. It is a shame, since coordinating calendars is difficult, and the Orchid Show will end before we can manage to reschedule. Ah, well… next year!

When I woke up this morning, there was a dusting of snow, and I almost doubted the forecast, but soon enough it began to snow heavily, and we received more than the one to three inches predicted. It’s a beautiful snow, but heavy, and deep enough that some clearing has been necessary. I was forced to shovel a path to the barn for Marmalade. He was camped under the house and reluctant to travel through the deep snow to get to dinner.

The horses romped hard as the snow came down. I caught a few pictures from the house, which do not do justice to the extreme playing by all three of them. They have not realized that they are all teenagers and should be settling down by now.

Eddy and I went for a walk in the snow.

Harry is hard at work in the studio on another project. The big bear is finished in clay and Vlad is doing molds at Chesterfield Mall.

Weedy loves to get into Eddy’s crate before bedtime. Here they are, sharing a very small room. Eddy is still pesky to Weedy but they are both wonderful dogs and are becoming good pals.

Portraits of Weedy and Eddy show Weedy’s dislike of the camera, while Eddy loves it.

Be well, be safe. Slava Ukraini! Peace… Rest In Peace, Alexei Navalny.

5 thoughts on “Snow Day – February 16”

  1. Opposite seasons in one day! It is lovely to see the animals enjoying the snow. Snow can be such an inconvenience yet it is so beautiful. It’s funny how many animals shy away from a camera while others seem to pose but I suppose people are just the same!

  2. There are several great shots in this set of photos, especially the romping ruckus pics and the pair of dove love birds framed in the middle of three impressionistic rows. It’s not just the snow, it’s how the snow diffuses the light.

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