Slow Going – June 12, 2021

The internet has been intolerably slow, and the one thing keeping my hope alive was Centurylink’s promise that our speed could be improved. After two delays, the day for installation arrived yesterday, along with a guy named Keith. He assured us the upgrade would be done in 45 minutes from his midday arrival.

Five hours later, we were dismayed to learn that Centurylink is a “cluster mess” and our internet speed cannot be improved at all, due to the incompetence of the company’s engineers when lines were established almost twenty years ago. It was a dark day indeed, and when the uploading defeated me last night, I retired to bed unblogged.

Now for a recap on highlights of the past few days…

We had dinner with Heidi and Carter on Thursday evening at Bristol, to see them before they vanish off to New Hampshire for the summer, and to celebrate Harry’s birthday. We established our usual early time, but they drove to a different Bristol restaurant for our rendezvous, so we got off to a rough start, but had a wonderful time.

It has been HOT, and busy. My car had an oil change that required a loaner vehicle because there was a melted microchip in the catalytic converter (thankfully covered by recall warranty). The mention of microchip had me convinced it would be weeks before the part arrived, but it was fixed yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, that entailed driving to St. Peters in horrible Friday afternoon traffic, not a nice way to spend Harry’s birthday.

Around here, despite the heat, plants are thriving.

Roscoe helped me in the garden, and was very interested in a box turtle visitor. In the end, he thought it was boring…

Finally, a beautiful, almost albino frog.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

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