Schooling Day Tuesday

The Prime Time “Pre Charity” Horse Show is officially underway. I had waited around for the workmen to arrive for the erosion project (they postponed again, when I texted to see why they had not arrived). So, midmorning, following Bart’s nap, we went up to the NEC to school. I am extremely rusty, and Bart is unenthused, but it was really fun to be back at a horse show again, with a plan to ride.

I was rustier than I even imagined. My hope for a miracle sudden return to youthful ability was not realized. Luckily, Kris managed me and reminded me to stop pulling on the reins, and we did a few things right enough that Kris took pity on poor unfit Bart and ended the school on a good note. Jane schooled with Ali, since she has been riding with her all year, and she had a good, short practice and is ready. The old ladies will horse show on Thursday!

When I got home, I bathed Bart and took him to his stall. Presuming he was exhausted, I removed his halter at the door, and that bad boy vamoosed out to eat grass (managing to get even fatter than he already is).

Our friend Patti came for a visit with her daughter, Alison, who lives in Boonville. It was a bit of a complicated day, and the plan evolved later than anticipated, but it was great fun to finally meet Alison. When I first met Patti (during my brief theatrical phase), she had her daughter’s pet snake (a corn snake, whose name eludes me). I knew I would like someone with a delightful snake, and I was happy to be right after all these years.

Harry had to leave for dinner with the boys in STL, and I was quite late starting barn chores, so I missed a spectacular sunset. I caught just the remnants…

Be safe, be well, don’t pull on the reins! Slava Ukraini! Peace.

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