Saturday – Horse Show Day 4 – Sept. 14

Clover is home with Jane, and coping after her eye injury. After thinking about it, Jane wonders if the tear in Clover’s third eyelid may have been caused by outdoor cat, Tim Morris. He looks very like Bobby, the indoor cat. Clover was fine at breakfast, then went out to tinkle, and perhaps she approached Tim Morris thinking he was her friend, Bobby. The vet suggested it could have been a cat claw that tore the eyelid, more likely than her own dewclaw. Bear in mind Clover is half the size of a cat! I went to visit the patient this afternoon. Clover is so old and deaf that I looked at her sleeping and hoped she wasn’t dead. But after a little while with Jane discussing the day at the show, Clover came into the kitchen and asked to go outside, where I was able to get some progress pictures. She was quite peppy and adorable as ever once she woke up. She does not love the E- collar, but she must wear it for two weeks, poor little thing!

As for Jane, she is a bit bruised, and sore enough that she elected to scratch from the show today. Honestly, after watching the video, it is astonishing that she could get back on the horse and jump yesterday. Today, Jane came to the show, but Derry stayed home.

Bart was happily grazing in the early morning, and I had to catch him and drag him to work. He was tired. To my dismay., many friends came to watch, causing me more anxiety than usual (and that’s a lot). Still, it was fun to have supporters. Harry came, too. Bart rose to the occasion and was very good. Kris gave us a nice school, and Bart jumped a clean first round, despite a dreadful ride to the first jump on my part. I added about ten strides on the way to jump 1. Then I got serious and kicked it up a notch, and had a blast. I am incredibly lucky to have such a game horse in my old age, and a trainer willing to deal with an old lady. In the jump off, Bart was great, but just had the last jump down. There was a groan of disappointment from the crowd. I wanted to get the Harry Weber award (fastest time in the jump off, regardless of faults) and I actually did achieve that. Then to my astonishment, when the class was over, Bart had won the class. I scratched today’s second class because Bart was hot and is not as fit as he should be. Then, we were awarded the championship in the Amateur Jumper Division, having won the two classes we were in, yesterday and today. The trophies at this show are crystal, and it was great fun that Bart won beautiful crystal glasses for each of us, so Harry and I could toast his success. The championship trophy is a big crystal bowl. I am quite overcome!

So, I came out of retirement after a year, and had a most memorable show with Bart, who, at 18 is my horse of a lifetime, a real old lady horse. I am forever grateful to Susan, who bred him. And speaking of Susan, her comeback after hip replacement is miraculous. We never expected her to be showing at The St. Louis National Charity Show this year, less than 5 months post surgery, but her recovery has been remarkable. She and Galatea were also champions in the .95 meter Jumper Division. She has quite a collection of crystal now. Ali has kept Teah fit throughout Susan’s rehab, so she was ready and able to horse show as soon as Susan was back in action.

As I finished unpacking the trailer this evening, the moon was waxing, the horses happily grazing, and I feel incredibly lucky.

Be safe, be well, be lucky. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

14 thoughts on “Saturday – Horse Show Day 4 – Sept. 14”

  1. it was such a beautiful day to come watch you and Bart do your thing! Hoping I didn’t add to the nerves too much. The smell of horses and getting to give Bart a carrot was fantastic!

  2. Congratulations to you and Bart!! Not surprised Jane decided not to show after her fall on Friday. Both you and Jane are my “old lady” heroes!!

  3. I’m so glad Jane is doing so well after her fall. We are so lucky to have “old lady” horses. I have a five gaited version, and I appreciate him every day.
    A huge congratulations to you at St. Louis. You already have your tri-colored ribbon and crystal, and I have to wait until week after this before I try to do the same! I’m so glad you had so much fun in spite of being nervous. I’ve heard it is ok to have butterflies if you can just get them to all fly in the same direction!

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