Reeling – June 23

Our very dear friend, Terry Culver, died this morning. The news was a terrible blow. Terry came to many Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with our family. His April birthday parties were always the best event of the year. We spent many summers with him in Michigan at idyllic Harbor Point. We are stunned and saddened again as our ranks of pals thins.

I have many pictures of Terry, but here are just a few, as we bid him farewell and godspeed…

There is much more to say… many memories and stories. We are sad, atop sad, atop sad. We were fortunate to count Terry as a friend for many decades and we will miss him. He joins a growing crowd of the loved and missed.

Treasure your friends. Stay well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

10 thoughts on “Reeling – June 23”

  1. It is always hard to lose dear friends and relatives. It reminds us all too swiftly of our own pending mortality. Who will mourn us when we too cross that great divide between the here and there?

    1. I’ll never forget the time Terry and I attended a Kentucky Derby Party at the Gatesworth. Ever the gentleman, he adroitly worked the room, charming every lady there. As I wrote David, a gentle giant and a good man.

  2. Oh, no. Reeling. Yes, reeling.
    Anne, please know what a blessing it is that you share these wonderful photos and thoughts of dear friends who are no longer with us. . It means so much.

  3. Dear Anne & Harry, I share your grief for the loss of our wonderful friend Terry. Still, I’m trying to focus on gratitude for the the fifty five years I knew him. He and Bob, friends since they were tots, were sharing an apartment on McKnight when I first met them both. My second date with Bob was on New Years Eve 1965 and we spent the evening with Terry (and date?). At midnight Terry gave me a big fat kiss, breaking the ice for Bob to kiss me for the first time! Over the years Bob and I had so many happy times with him …sailing, opera chorus, parties, ball games, the Rep, helping him buy and sell houses etc. Terry was smart, funny, well read, generous, crusty, kind, opinionated, enthusiastic, imaginative, one of a kind. I will miss him but am so glad for him that his struggles are over. I hope he and Bob and our other friends who have “walked on” are together again. With affection, Liza

  4. Oh, so sad you keep losing friends. That is so hard to do. I wish I had known Terry, he seemed like a wonderful and interesting person. No more word on Eddy???? I hope he is behaving himself.

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