Old Ladies Horse Showing Again – and More – Sept.11

And It is September 11, a somber anniversary. Twenty-three years ago, we were at a horse show on that awful day. It was a surreal, tragic time, even here in the midwest, where we watched the horrors on television, returning home to empty skies and gas station panic lines. The next day, though, the show went on. Still, even now I shed tears for all those lost too soon.

Last week, with Jane getting Covid, and our plans upended, there was a silver lining of getting a few things done around here. Nothing really “blog worthy”. There was some glorious weather, much appreciated.

Our rather meager vegetable garden was attacked by an enormous tomato hornworm, but it was the only one we have seen this year!

There are autumnal plants in bloom, but there has been very little rain, so we are in an end of summer drought.

On Monday, Jane tested negative, and suddenly, horse showing was once again on the schedule. This week, it is the St. Louis National Charity Horse Show (SLNCHS), the most fun horse show of the year in these parts.

The dogs and cats and horses (and we humans) are all well, for which we are grateful indeed.

Yesterday, we went to the horse show for schooling, which went well enough that today, we actually showed! Bart did the .85 meter class, and I rode relatively poorly, but Bart rose to the occasion and earned a blue ribbon for a clear round. Jane and Derry did the .95 meter class, and showed us all how it should be done, garnering their clear round blue ribbon. It was a lot of fun.

Meanwhile, Harry was at the St. Louis Zoo, overseeing the installation of Dr. Bonner. Vlad was in charge and all went well. The sculpture is in a beautiful location, and will be dedicated later this month in a private ceremony.

No showing tomorrow for the old ladies, as we are saving our horses for the important classes on Friday.

Be safe, be well, be lucky. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

8 thoughts on “Old Ladies Horse Showing Again – and More – Sept.11”

  1. St. Louis Charity is the best of the rated shows. The rings are decorated beautifully by the volunteer staff, and the somewhat sterile NEC shines for the weeks of horse showing. Lots of vendors, lots of delicious food provided by the different barns, it is indeed the show of the year.

  2. This is the most incredible story, and I love the pictures! It makes me feel like I can share part of your beautiful life. Thank you!

  3. Leaving Sunday for our Shanghai La , I hope the many memories do not cause my eyes to leak too much. Bon voyage! Will follow you on my little iPad. Hopefully see you both in late October.

  4. A little late here, but congratulations on your blue ribbon! One day I’d like to actually be there to watch you perform. But for now, beautiful thoughts for you and Bart today!
    And thanks for the fascinating photos of the installation of the. Bonner statue.

  5. Poor Harry, he needed a pillow! But at least he got Eddy kisses!! Congratulations on the horse show. I will be showing at the Saddlebred St. Louis show….one of my favorites, too. Good luck and I am eager to hear about your next show ring appearances.

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