Since before the New Year, there was snow forecast for today. Often, long range forecasts change, and this one only changed for the worse. Plans were upended , supplies were stocked in, and we waited, hoping it would not be as dire as predicted. Well, it’s here, and it’s bad enough. I am almost too exhausted to post a blog, but I cannot let the year get out of control only 5 days in!
So, back to preparations. I moved a lot of hay, so that there could be room in the shed for the truck. The tractor blade was attached, hoping that having it ready would obviate its need. The days before arrival of snow were mild and dreary, but somehow ominous.
Since we had the deck replaced, we have been feeding the birds at various places around the house. When Fred was here last week, in addition to River saving Harry from conking his head on the pavement, Harry talked to Fred about creating a bird feeder for the deck. Well, Fred is quite an artist as well as a gifted horseshoer, and he embraced the project. He brought the feeder yesterday afternoon, just beating the snow, and bringing us great joy all day today, with birds galore. The deer skull was found here last year, when I was searching for sheds (antlers). Fred knows how to clean them up, so he had taken it home, and has now returned it as part of the feeding station.
The snow began on schedule last night, and is continuing through tonight. It makes every chore much more difficult, but it is quite beautiful. We have probably had about 8 inches of snow and sleet so far. The horses are happy, with their full winter coats keeping them comfortable, and plenty of hay fueling them. They are outside for the day, with a shed for shelter if they want it. The barn cats (Rosie, Skittle and Cora) are comfortable in the heated tack room. The shed cats (Marmalade and Tom Morris) have a warming pad in the shed and seem content there. They did not come outside at all today.
So here are some of the many bird pictures I was able to take, thanks to Fred…
And now, to bed, to prepare for a difficult day of clearing snow tomorrow.
Be safe, be well, stay warm. Slava Ukraini! Peace.
Enjoy the beauty and stay safe friends!
Slava Ukraini
God Save America
So much beauty in these photo shots! Love the cats, especially Marmalade’s smug look as if saying, “I’m not leaving this spot.” Weedy still looks puzzled, asking, “How did all these changes take place in my home? All my friends are gone (four legged) and this new gray thing has taken over.” Sleep Weedy, me too! Can’t we hibernate somehow? The Bird shots are exquisite, the colors! I absolutley love the deer antler incorporated into the bird feeder plan. Clearly the bluejay is fascinated. Happy Days, longer days that is, to all!
Nancy thinks you should be working for Hallmark! Your photos are terrific! Eddy definitely looks to be in his element, while Weedy, the cats and Harry look just fine indoors! Enjoy nature’s beauty Anne, but please be careful. Looks can be deceiving!
The snow is magical from my view. For once I don’t have to deal with it!
wish I was there with you!! love the bird shots. and Weed looks ready to go out show everyone how its done.
Love the bird shots – so good. We are jealous as we put up 2 feeders a couple of weeks ago and absolutely no one has shown up to the dinner party! Not sure why as we’ve always had lots of visitors in past years. Maybe we waited too long? Enjoy your beautiful new feeder!
You have some wonderful bird pictures. I love the new feeding station and clearly the birds do too! I’ve been wondering if you would get snow as the map seemed to cover such a huge portion of the middle. Here we have had mere dustings and nothing is forecast. But it is cold.
See you Saturday. Hope Jane is coming also. Holly will be here too. Come early for nibbles and libation ; dinner at 2. Can’t wait to really cook for a change!