A white hollyhock, blooming out of season, was picked before the first hard frost, and has bloomed all week on the kitchen windowsill as the days shorten.

Saturday brought gale force winds. The birds were blown off the back porch in gusts.

Luckily, we don’t celebrate Guy Fawkes day in this country, because there would be no way to have a bonfire with the Saturday winds. November 5th is also Laura Balding’s birthday. We are ten years apart, so she prepares me for what is to come. Judging by Laura, I will continue to be very active. On a somber note, I also know that this is the anniversary of my father’s death. Or as he would have put it, he “fell off his perch” 12 years ago.

I brought the horses in early, in order to go to the horse show to set jumps with Jane for Susan. Jumper classes were at the end of the day. The wind and the afternoon light, as the horses came to my call, made a magical scene.

Susan and Teah (Galatea) did two classes on Saturday and earned primary color ribbons in both, including 2nd in the MOHJO Mini Prix. Wiley made the long drive from their farm in Perry, Missouri, to join us in cheering the dynamic duo on. It was a fun time, and the indoor horse show was a welcome shelter from the wind. This morning (Sunday) they followed up with two more successful trips, and ended on a good note, with a double clear round for 2nd place in the Children’s / Adult Classic. Harry and Weedy arrived in time to see the Classic. Teah has developed quite a fan club, being both beautiful and talented. Susan rode well, and they are a great partnership

After an extra hour of sleep, thanks to stupid Daylight Saving, today was glorious weather, and we were finished by mid morning at the horse show. Jane came over with Derry and we had a fun schooling session with our Irish chestnuts after exhausting ourselves lifting and resetting all the jumps that had blown down. I have seldom seen so many jumps thrown about by the wind!

After lunch, I heard commotion outside, and Marilyn appeared on her four wheeler with Roy following Trigger, who was being ridden by a trainer named Rodney. I took some pictures and I was very impressed with Rodney’s riding. Trigger looked great. It was good to see Marilyn up and outside. Soon she will be back on the horse,

Next, Harry and I went for a trail ride. It was a perfect afternoon, with no wind at all. We had a fun ride, with a burst of almost too much excitement, thanks to Oisin spooking at an imaginary ghost. Stone had to take over as leader. Oisin is disgraced. Luckily, we did not fall off.

We decided that it was perfect weather to burn the burn pile, and there was enough daylight to get it done. So, a day late, we had our Guy Fawkes bonfire of old, decrepit jumps, and a nice ending to a fun, busy weekend.

Once the fire had burned down, I went to the barn to feed horses and cats. Here are three of the six barn cats.

Birds are enjoying the deciduous holly berries. I see them fluttering out of the hedge when I walk to the barn. The berries are beautiful at this time of year, but also nourishing, which is nice.

Night fell before I was finished in the barn, and the waxing moon was gorgeous.

Be safe, be well. Slava Ukraini! Peace.
It’s always fun to see Susan and Galatea.
Tomorrow is the eclipse if the moon! Starts early but we really want to see it.
That moon shot; ahh…. I wish you would submit some of your outstanding photos to a contest, or exhibit somewhere. The Post has a contest going on right now, for best reader photos this past year. They publish c. 3-5 best (as chosen, I believe, by Post photographers.)
You deserve to be recognized! Go for it! Your talent needs to be shared with the world, just ast your husband’s is!)
I can’t even express how much I appreciate the cheering section that shows up for us when we show. It’s so gratifying to have you all there for us! Thank you Anne & Harry. And Jane too, of course!