Monday, October 7

Since the dreadful Hamas murders and kidnappings in Israel last year, October 7 has become an abhorrent date, like September 11 did in 2001. For our family, though, it has another meaning. When I was 9, my mother had her sixth baby boy, Matthew Hanbury Barry, on October 7, 1964. Matthew would be 60 today, though he departed this world in 1990, at only 26. For us, he will always be the baby of the family. Happy Birthday, Matthew, mon petit frère.

Life here goes on at full tilt. At long last, the north pasture is fenced and can accommodate horses again. Jane came over yesterday and helped me finish the project well enough to allow turnout. Of course, the grass is so rich that we dare not leave them out on it full time, but they have enjoyed a couple of hours before being restricted back to the south, “diet” pasture for the night.

It has been a time for finishing. The deck project was finished today. Like the fence, there are a few little items to complete, but it is basically done.

On Friday, Nathan cut down the dead willow tree in the septic drain field, a project I have been anticipating for many weeks. He dropped it perfectly , though I insisted we take some fence down as an escape route. He didn’t need really that.

On Saturday, we went to visit Laura, having finally recovered from our cold symptoms. We did not want to give Laura a cold with broken ribs and a collapsed lung! We stopped at the Farmer’s Market en route. Laura was in fine form, well cared for by Dorothy, and seemed better than we expected. She was able to laugh, in spite of pain, and there was much laughter indeed during our visit.

I have been enjoying the new camera. I try to keep it with me. Driving out on the gravel road on Thursday I happened upon turkey vultures with a squirrel that had been hit by a car. A shame about the squirrel, but nice for the buzzards, anyway. Interestingly, they have an established “pecking order” and I doubt there was much sharing of the small rodent dinner.

On a happier note on Thursday, I saw some Monarch butterflies in the back hay field, and was able to get a picture. I also took another picture of the Oyster mushrooms, which I really should have picked. They are apparently a great delicacy. Harry helped me with measuring boards for the fence, and we saw a beautiful little tree frog, which jumped onto the tape measure!

On Friday morning, we went for nail trims to Westinn. They had a Halloween photo bench, where we met a beautiful Golden Retriever named Breeze. She is a professional dog, who works in advertising! Her owner said that shaggy dogs like Eddy are in high demand in the advertising world!

Tim Morris paid us a visit. He is a suspect in the scratch of Clover’s eye, so we gave him a frosty reception. Poor little Clover has had a very bad month.

None of our cats are suspects in assaults.

Sunday, we had a visit from some of Harry’s artist friends, who enjoyed meeting the horses.

Earlier on Sunday, Jane and I went to the Happenstance Show to watch Susan. It was a small show, but fun, and good to see Susan and Teah back in top form after Susan’s long, miserable summer of recovery from hip replacement.

This has been a rather disjointed, chaotic post, which is sort of how life seems to be these days. It’s exhausting.

And finally, The General is finished!

Be safe, be well. Find time to rest. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

6 thoughts on “Monday, October 7”

  1. Wow, the general is so tall! However, he is extremely handsome just like the man standing next to him! I love Galatea’s jumping style. She’s not about to touch those polls with her front legs. What great form. Your new camera takes great butterfly pictures. I even liked the mushroom photo even though I can’t stand to eat mushrooms. Right now we had just better be wishing Florida all the best.

  2. Exquisite photos of nature Anne !! You show potential for being a brilliant photographer 🦩I am really enjoying your blog – I almost feel like I’m visiting the farm and walking up the stairs
    _Oct 7 th must have been a very sad day – Mathew was such a great kid , sensitive and kind , smart and handsome – I’m so sorry for your loss .

  3. Anne, you nailed that monarch. Does your new camera lens have auto focus or did you accomplish that masterpiece manually?

  4. Wow! Wow! Wow! on all the photos. Barry wants to know what kind of camera is it. Eddie looks like a natural star to me!

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