It was hot today – missing the record (of 97F) on this date by one degree. The horses enjoyed cool morning grazing, and then spent the day under their fans in the barn.
Vlad brought an armature for a new sculpture. He also brought a delicious fruit tart from Bonne Bouchée! We both enjoyed his visit, and Harry was pleased that Vlad liked Mater. She will be leaving the studio this week, but with a different mold maker. Vlad and his wife are off to Iceland for the summer solstice.
A conference in the studio Much laughter in the studio Two talented sculptors
Much of the remaining day was consumed with errands and chores. I removed some mats from Cora’s coat, and my reward was a vicious scratch. I deserved it – lacking patience, I took too big a yank of fur.
“Leave me alone!”
Finally, a sight that never fails to delight – Jane’s Sandy in her summer gear. Flies plague her, but her protective gear keeps her comfortable, and makes me smile.
Stay safe, stay well. Peace.
We were in Iceland for summer solstice a couple of years ago. It was great! But cold.