Mid Missouri Honor Flight #69 Welcome Home

Harry returned last night, exhausted, but buoyed by gratitude, after the Honor Flight. The dogs and I drove to Columbia, and I was completely unprepared for the magnitude of this event. As I turned in to the hotel, there was a massive flag hanging over the road, and huge crowds of people ready to welcome home the veterans.

Spouses had special seating. It was nice to meet other spouses from different places in Missouri. I am not able to do justice to the people who provide this honor to veterans. The scope of the project is enormous, and the emotional dimension was unexpected. One hundred veterans were taken, with “guardians” to assist them, to Washington D.C. by bus and chartered airplane for a 24 hour whirlwind visit to war memorials in the nation’s capitol. I am dehydrated from crying, and I am pretty tired, so will let the photos do the blogging. When the veterans disembarked in D.C., the entire airport applauded and welcomed them. Quite a contrast to being spit on, as many of them were (including Harry) when they returned from Vietnam. Melissa’s husband, Tony, from Kirksville, also a Vietnam veteran, was on the flight, which added some fun to Harry’s trip.

On the return from Washington, D.C., the veterans were given a “mail call”. Harry was touched and humbled to receive many kind letters. At Kingdom City, traveling back, the westbound Interstate was closed to allow 100 motorcycles to escort the three buses to Columbia. It was quite a show, and there were people waving on overpasses, welcoming the men home.

Weedy and Eddy missed Harry almost as much as I did. It was a very late night, and we are outstandingly tired, but tremendously moved, and vastly grateful.

Be safe, be well, be grateful. Welcome home. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

14 thoughts on “Mid Missouri Honor Flight #69 Welcome Home”

  1. A well deserved tribute to all who served. It was a terrible time in our nation’s past. I had no idea there were so many monuments to all sorts of horrid conflicts.

  2. I am glad these veterans have been honoured in they way they always should have and what an amazing enterprise this was. I can only imagine the emotion everyone must have felt.

  3. No matter how long I stop and think about what all veterans have given to our Country and to me personally, I still won’t be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of being there for all of us here. Thank you Harry.

  4. Wow! I can only imagine how emotional that was for all concerned. I’m so glad Harry got to make the trip and that he felt honored as he should be.

  5. Thank you for the report, Anne. I was thinking about you both during that time and wondering if our letters reached him in time. The picture of the memorial for the women in Vietnam reminded me of the book I read recently by Kristin Hannah called The Women. It’s about the same time that Harry and Kip were in Vietnam, and it’s really an outstanding read. I’m so glad that they are doing these honor flights, having lived through the the above described treatment of returning Vietnam vets.

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