May Craze

This has been a crazed ten days, which, in retrospect have gone quickly. But… Eddy gone for three weeks sounds like an eternity.

Yes, we are missing Eddy. He has gone to three weeks of training in Warrenton. We took him on Tuesday, May 14 for an interview at a new dog school. He was a star, of course, inside the building. During the training course, he will spend the first week getting accustomed to the routine, then will go out to the woods to learn recall from chasing prey during the second and third weeks. No more bolting! On Thursday, May 16 we dropped him off at Boarding School, and are not allowed to see him for the entire three weeks. It is very lonely here without him, but we hope he will be able to enjoy more freedom when he returns from being trained to a recall. On June 6, we will have a 3 hour “go home” lesson, and two weeks after he returns, the trainers will come here to make sure Eddy is behaving as we want him to. Now, we are already into the second week, and we have had pictures and video. He looks very happy on the training videos, but seeing him made me cry. When I showed Jane, she cried even harder than I did, which made me cry, again!

On Monday, we were invited to attend the Cardinals / Orioles baseball game with Harry’s first friend from childhood, Steve. He and Cary were here from Baltimore for the game and we were fortunate to be in a luxury skybox, with friends of Steve from BJC Healthcare. They were mostly Orioles fans, but the Cardinals won the game, and we had a great time. Harry wore his St. Louis Browns hat. The Browns became the Baltimore Orioles, of course. Before the game, Harry inspected his Plaza of Champions sculptures.

We have had many visitors this month, the most dramatic being cicadas, which are abundant, deafening, and quite extraordinary.

There have been many human visitors, too, which has been fun.

It is a thrill to live on this planet. I seem to miss many picture opportunities lately, but photography has taught me to observe more than I used to see, enhancing my appreciation of the natural world, and of light.

The domestic creatures are all well.

Today, was a day full of horses, with beautiful weather and a chance to see Susan. She is a month past her hip replacement surgery, and allowed to drive. It was especially good to see her back at the barn.

Flowers mark the passage of time, which continues to accelerate.

I will close with Eddy enjoying the abundant May rains that filled the creek before he left. We look forward to his return. The waterfall will keep him cool this summer when her returns from school…

Be well, enjoy the journey. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

7 thoughts on “May Craze”

  1. Linda Parkhurst

    Love your pictures, especially Harry in his Browns hat with one of his champions, so many grey horses, and the Indian Pinks!
    God bless Eddy.
    Slava Ukraini

  2. Your magnificent photographs (I could touch the orchids), Harry’s magnificent sculptures (the detail on that jacket). A feast for the eye!

  3. There is always so much activity and now there are so many flowers and “summer creatures”, in addition to your not inconsiderable regulars. I wonder how you manage to keep up! I wait with interest to see whether a reformed Eddy will return from summer camp! He makes me smile every time I see his happy face. Happy Memorial day!

  4. You scared me when you said Eddie was gone……I didn’t read quickly enough to see where he had gone! I was afraid he had run off and was really gone. Thank goodness he is at school and not actually gone! I love the photo of Harry looking at his statue and all the people in the background who have no idea they are in the presence of “the artist”!!!

  5. Brooke Costello

    Your photography is exquisite. Sure hope Weedy is doing ok without his sidekick.

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