July!? – July 1

July has come in like a lamb. After one of the hottest Junes on record, we had much appreciated rain to complete a hot, dry month. Quite a lot of rain, actually, making it almost unbearably humid… until yesterday, which was delightful. Today, July dawned cool and beautiful. It feels like April. It won’t last, but every good day is welcome.

Yesterday was an extraordinarily beautiful day. Eddy and I went for a walk with Sharon and one of her foster dogs, Sriracha, at a nearby county park.

Yesterday afternoon, we went to Augusta to see Deb Henning, a singer / songwriter, who befriended Harry on Facebook after posing with his sculpture of Chuck Berry. We were outdoors at a winery, and the weather was perfect. Gerry and Betsey joined us. They were a tonic after the past few weeks of losses.

A ladies’ luncheon with Laura and two Janes on Friday was great fun, but no pictures were taken, alas. There was much laughter, and plans for keeping in touch, which is a worthwhile ambition.

I had planned to do a blog post featuring our seven cats, so I took these pictures, but every day I run out of time…

And speaking of visiting… Michael came to town for a visit last week. As things worked out, he didn’t come out here to stay, which was lucky for him, with the unbearable heat. Our air conditioning doesn’t keep the upstairs very cool. But we met up for lunch with Mark and Cynthia and had a fun time.

Some of the birds are beginning to molt, but they are always beautiful. I have been unlucky with the camera, missing several Great Blue Heron shots, a gorgeous egret, and an indigo bunting.

In the studio, the Vietnam Memorial has been signed, so it is practically finished.

Eddy was a very bad boy last week, despite being under a Heat Dome (whatever that actually means). It was very hot, and only a maniac would run after deer on such a day. He ran 3 miles and we finally intercepted him, thanks to the GPS tracker. There was no contrition whatsoever, despite my using extremely bad language about him.

We are surrounded by beauty here, but always short of time!

Our friend, Margaret, is moving to Illinois, so we went to a send off lunch for her in Washington (Missouri). We have known Margaret since 1985. She was a Bridlespur huntsman herself many seasons after I left. We are very happy for her to have found a nice barn management position, after years of foaling mares at Purina. On to better things!

In Washington, at a produce stand, we saw flowers for sale, which reminded us of Terry, who loved gladioli.

Welcome reminders of absent friends, stay connected, and keep in touch… Slava Ukraini! Peace.

7 thoughts on “July!? – July 1”

  1. Eddie knows how to keep cool! The boy is irrepressible but I’m sorry for all the anxiety he causes. I think you could say he lives in the moment!

  2. Perhaps Eddy is part DeerHound ? This would explain a lot !! It may be in his blood and he canโ€™t help himself โ€ฆ. Does not make it easier on you though

  3. The directions have arrived and I am feeling bolder about driving down alone, but maybe Holly will come with. Love the pic of Harry ! Hope you are having the lovely weather we are enjoying. Happy 4th to you both!๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  4. The Barrys have strong genes and beautiful smiles. You, Mark and Michael haven’t changed much since we were kids-aged like fine wine.


  5. I would have loved to see your photo of a Great Blue Heron! Where was he? On your walk I bet. We see them often enough in Forest Park, magnificent birds. Looks as though all is well at Bronze Fox Farm including the studio with finished work! Hello to good boy Weedy!

  6. Glad to see Harry looking so good!!! Pictures of Mark,Cynthia and Michael were good to see….Mark looks a lot like his cousin Bob Q….Guess Quetsch genes have spanned the generations!!
    So enjoy ALL your photos and your commentary.

  7. I love the photo of Harry! Darn, Eddie just didn’t learn much at “school”. What a shame for you. He is lucky to have someone who works so hard to find him when he is gone. I hope he understands that!! I love all the photos of your friends each week. They all look so interesting. Their photos make me wish I really knew them.

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