Honor Flight – September 15

The horse show finished today, but I elected to quit while I was ahead yesterday, and did not enter the Classic. Jane and I (and Eddy) went to watch the Maclay Regional Equitation class. Harry and Weedy joined us for a short visit, and Eddy left with them, while Jane and I watched the jumpers. Entries were light. I was not the only one who decided to finish on Saturday.

We were pleased to run into John Korenak and Melanie Mollman at the show. For me, horse shows are like a party with friends who share one of my great passions, horses. Old friends resurrect good memories. John helped me start Dress Gray almost 40 years ago, and Melanie is now a top braider at the big shows, after having had a successful show career under John’s tutelage.

Home again briefly, then I drove Harry to Columbia for the Mid Missouri Honor Flight. He is in for a very long and interesting day tomorrow. For now, he’s resting at The Marriott until the middle of the night, then he will get on a bus with all the other veterans (including Tony, Melissa’s husband, who is also a Vietnam veteran and a good friend through horses, so that will be fun). They will be driven to Lambert Airport, and from there they fly to Washington for a day of visiting memorials. I expect I will be picking up a very tired husband tomorrow night! I hope it will be a great adventure, but I certainly miss him already.

We had an unexpected but very welcome rain as I was driving home. The ring has been well watered and the thirsty plants are relieved.

A beautiful sunset portends a nice day for Harry’s Honor Flight tomorrow.

Be safe, be well. Treasure friends and enjoy every day. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

10 thoughts on “Honor Flight – September 15”

  1. I loved seeing the photo of John. I haven’t seen him in ages. I really miss the good old days when the hunters and jumpers and the saddlebreds all showed at the same time at the St. Louis show in Queenie Park. I can’t wait to hear about Harry’s trip. I bet he has a fabulous time and makes it an even better time for those who have their privilege of being around him for the event.

  2. Congratulations Anne and Bart! Yes, a good horse show should be a party where people get together to honor and enjoy their equine partners, such extraordinary creatures! Great to see John looking so good. Harry what a day you must be having, and I agree, so glad Anne came out of retirement! Thanks again! Oh, the second picture of Weedy I see him thinking, “Aren’t little kids supposed to have food?” That’s what Etta expects for sure! She loves her vittles, just like her human!

  3. The horse show was a success for all, and rings beautifully done by the volunteers.
    Looks as though Harry is having a good time in DC, hard to believe that so many men are still around.

  4. Sorry to have missed John and Melanie! It’s a bit of a drive for me, but I would have loved to have visited with them. Thanks for always sharing your hijinks.

  5. Great pic of Harry on the boat in Viet Nam, but is that a Marine Corps insignia on his cap ? Thought he was in the navy, not THE select part of the navy ! And is that actual hair on his chest ? I’ll be doggone.

    Ken Streett

  6. Wow! Anne, Congratulations! Those blue ribbons are beautiful!! And remarkable! Looks like one must even be “best of the best “?
    How wonderful that you are still on top of your game!

  7. Désolée, ma chère Anne, d’avoir manquée tes succès la semaine dernière, pourtant je suis contente de devenir « mère du marié » en Californie. Félicitations, et à très bientôt, espérons. Meilleurs vœux à Harry et à Jane aussi.

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