Friday – June 4, 2021

Yesterday, Jane saw a turtle at the end of the driveway, and took pictures. I forgot to include them in the post, but here they are. This turtle has been in a serious accident, from the look of its shell, but it survived, and will be quite recognizable if we cross paths again.

This morning was pleasantly cool, but it warmed up quickly. The horses came to the gate when I called them.

As always, Bart heard the time scheduled for riding, and was on the ground. I tried sitting on him, to inspire him. No good. He was content to lie there with me on top of him.

Eventually, Bart arose, and we had a good ride with Jane and Derry. We both jumped, but the only picture is of Derry. Bart enjoyed browsing on the trails, and Derry shared one of his branches. It was quite hot by 10 AM, when we finished.

I did find time to take some pictures amongst the chores today.

There were butterflies, too.

Skittle and Roscoe missed out on having their pictures in the blog yesterday. Here they are.

Harry took his pack of dogs out front, and gave them treats. Mistletoe saved hers.

Marianne was here to do barn work, but it was too hot to turn horses out.

Later, Jane and Brett helped make turnout fun and easy.

Finally, the oak leaf hydrangea is getting ready to bloom.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

2 thoughts on “Friday – June 4, 2021”

  1. Francie R Reidy

    LOL about Bart- a critter after my own weary attitudes im afraid. You sure do coordinate lots pretty well out there!

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