Friday – January 22, 2021

The sky was dramatic this morning. It was cold, especially after yesterday’s warm temperatures, but I dressed to work outside.

Yesterday, Connie, the pond expert, was here, and she plans to return in two weeks (weather permitting), so Nathaniel came today to remove the Australian willow tree. Fifteen years ago, I went to a horse competition that connected me to someone who knew Joel Salatin. He was basically the “hero” of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, a huge bestseller that year by Michael Pollan. It turned out that Joel Salatin himself was going to give a lecture in Iowa on family farming, so Jane and Laura and I decided to attend. It was a fun adventure, and I bought a little stick from an Amish guy (most of the crowd was Amish). He said it was an Australian willow, and he was promoting it for goats, since it grows vigorously, and even goats can’t eat it down. I grew the stick in a pot over the winter, then planted it next to the water feature, and, as promised, it was vigorous. Alas, it drops branches and leaves into the pond, so the time has come to remove it. Also, it is a non native species, and I have since learned to be particular about that.

By the time we finished, I was drenched in sweat, which shows how out of shape I am. But it was fun work, and gratifying, albeit a little sad. The willow had a good fifteen years. I think the birds will miss it. And speaking of birds, here are two pictures showing the difference between a flicker (left) and a red bellied woodpecker (right) – both with goldfinches around.

And more bird pictures pictures…

The horses were astonished by the chainsaw work and the difference in appearance of the view. Horses are very visual and pay quite close attention to their environment. They notice anything out of place or different.

Finally, the new view from the back deck.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

2 thoughts on “Friday – January 22, 2021”

  1. You know that stump is gonna sprout. Have to take it out by the roots. I’m really good at that – maybe next spring. Miss my “baby” Oisin.

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