Eye, Yi, Yi #2 – November 10, 2021

Today got off to an early start, since Harry had to be in St. Louis county for his second cataract surgery at 7 AM. The mild temperatures made turning the horses out in the dark less unpleasant than it might have been. Bart was asleep, but he rallied and was happy to get out onto the grass.

I waited in the car for the two hours Harry was in the expert care of his impossibly young doctor and her capable crew. It was a nice rest for me. For Harry, too, thanks to fentanyl.

We stopped on the way home for blueberry pancakes, a well known post surgery healing aid.

Once Harry got home, the real caregiver was called to his post. Weedy took over.

Luckily, there was not much excitement to report on today. Calvin, Jane’s pony, had a little episode of colic last night, but he was perfectly fine today, thankfully. Jane worked the footing on the ring, so we are all set for riding tomorrow. I spent the day working in the office, and standing by to assist Weedy if needed. The autumn color in the woods has mostly blown away, but just outside the house, the Japanese maple is still stunning.

Stone had an itchy tummy this afternoon, and I got some pictures before bringing the horses in to the barn.

After feeding the horses, and the cats, I saw Licorice getting a drink from the water trough this evening.

We spent a peaceful evening, with some good laughs. Mistletoe and Weedy enjoyed cuddles on the sofa.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

5 thoughts on “Eye, Yi, Yi #2 – November 10, 2021”

  1. Can you believe this? Kip just had cataract surgery on his left eye (yesterday)! Unfortunately, he only has me to play nursemaid, not a devoted dog, which would be infinitely better.

    1. What are the odds!? I hope they both have successful outcomes – Weedy would be happy to visit Kip, too, but he can’t take the time away from Harry to fly that far. I hope you guys will have a dog again soon.

  2. Harry, with trusty and loyal Weedy how can you go wrong? Heal well and fast! Handsome Pearl Brothers indeed. The leaves will come down today with 30 mph winds in the forecast. Goodby beautiful fall.

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