Election Day – November 3, 2020

Since we voted several weeks ago, today was just another day, but one filled with tension.

Harry went off to do the recycling, and he had the great good fortune to run into one of our fondest friends from fox hunting and Pike County at the recycling center. Bunny Herring is one of our few remaining nonagenarian friends, and is as lively as ever, according to Harry. She was with her daughter, Holly, both of them full of fun, as always. On her 80th birthday, Bunny gave a trapeze exhibition. One of her many claims to fame is that she ran off and joined the circus (Ringling Brothers) – really. Her life story is delightful, and can be read in her autobiography, Still Swinging In Wonderland.

Meanwhile, I was happily doing chores here on an impossibly warm and beautiful day. Jane came over and we had a fun ride, except when Weedy showed up on his way back from a long adventure. He came running down the hill toward the ring, just as Jane and Derry were approaching a jump. Startled, Derry jumped about thirty feet through the air. Jane, who never loses her cool, just circled. Bad boy, Weedy!

I wasn’t very good about taking pictures today, but after riding, I knew I would get a picture of Bart rolling, since I turned him out with a sweaty saddle mark. I am bad, but I thought he would rather have more time in the sun on the grass than have a bath. There are more warm days ahead, and bathing will be done.

The horses had a great day.

Marmalade enjoyed the weather, too.

Roscoe spent the day outside with me, helping with chores, and now he is exhausted.

I am exhausted, too.

Stay safe, stay well. Peace.

2 thoughts on “Election Day – November 3, 2020”

  1. The photo and the caption of Osin gave me a much needed laugh. It is 9:40AM here, Wednesday, results were not looking good last night at 11:30PM. Marmalade, is he staying on the farm? Another lucky cat! Hat’s off to Jane~well done!!

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