Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021

This was a glorious day. The horses went straight out to the grass and the birds enjoyed feeding on the back porch.

I started the day working on the front garden, accompanied by Roscoe, and Rosie.

I drove out to the back to dump some of the leaves, and took my camera. I saw bluebirds working on a nest in the bluebird house by the riding arena!

Once the day got going, it got very warm. Marianne came to do the barn work. This out of focus picture is the way Jane sees, but her vision is improving, and today, she jumped!

While we rode Bart and Derry, Rebecca arrived to help with the garden, picking up where I had left off.

Leaving Rebecca hard at work, Harry and I went for a trail ride on Stone and Oisin, which was really fun.

Once all the horses were ridden and washed, it was time to turn them back out on the grass. I got my rolling horse pictures today. All three horses were rolling at one time, but I missed that shot. Bart rolled his mask off, as you can see.

Rebecca worked fiendishly, and I showed up late, to sort of help a little bit. Mistletoe enjoyed watching. It was a lovely afternoon. Rebecca brought us beautiful eggs from her hens, and daffodils to brighten the house, making Easter special.

Finally, a little grape hyacinth at the edge of the woods, celebrating Spring. And here is a little knowledge I gleaned from the Writer’s Almanac today.

The word “Easter” and most of the secular celebrations of the holiday come from pagan traditions. Anglo Saxons worshipped Eostre, the goddess of springtime and the return of the sun after the long winter. According to legend, Eostre once saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird it could still lay eggs, and that rabbit became our Easter Bunny. Eggs were a symbol of fertility in part because they used to be so scarce during the winter. There are records of people giving each other decorated eggs at Easter as far back as the 11th century.

Stay safe, stay well. Happy Eostre, or Easter, Sunday. Peace.

4 thoughts on “Easter Sunday – April 4, 2021”

  1. Oh THANK you for the mythological truth about the Eostre Bunny!!… made my day !

  2. Dorothy reminded me we call the hormone Estrogen … after Eostre, Goddess of fertility…
    I love this information. Just wish it had been part of whatever we might have learned as a teenager… along with learning about where babies cone from!!!😆🤣

  3. I just love your photos Ann, I’m so glad to see Harry is doing well and life is starting to normalize

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