Chaotic Times

I am terrible at time management, but in fairness, life has been rather busy since my last blog post. Each week fills up, like an overflowing water bucket. When one event is canceled, another jumps up to take its place.

Last Tuesday some plans changed, making it possible for me to travel north to Iowa to bid goodbye to my Uncle Dick, the last of my mother’s brothers, who died at 97. Eddy and I left at 4:30 AM in the dark. and we returned at 5:30 PM just before the dark returned. Eddy spent 13 hours in the car without complaint, and was great company. We stopped regularly, and he did get out at the cemetery to meet some cousins. It was a long and tiring day, but Eddy is a wonderful companion. He enjoyed seeing another state.

The weather was uncommonly warm for our Iowa trip, but a fifty degree drop in temperature blew in from the west. It was not too dramatic here in Missouri, but the relatives from up north, in Illinois and Wisconsin, had some February tornadoes. Luckily, all made it home safely. We woke to quite a change.

The cold weather brought plenty of birds to the feeders. My favorite pileated woodpecker provided a series of pictures.

Despite February being a longer month than usual (this being a Leap Year), we slammed into March before I was ready. Friday I met up with Brett to school Crumlin and CeCe at. the Silver Fox Leprechaun Horse Show. The warm weather returned, and more than 200 horses arrived for the weekend competition. I took Bart, with the intention of riding in a class or two.

We had a happy group. Jane brought Derry, and Jessica arrived from Evansville, Indiana with her daughters, Elin and Leah and their two mares, Alta and Muriel. Jessica, like Lotta, is Swedish, and she and the girls will be moving back to Sweden soon, so it was a treat to be with Team Sweden, as Brett calls them.

The horses had a good school, but I was utterly exhausted. I took Bart home for some turnout, and returned very early on Saturday to school Crumlin again. He is not yet ready to show, and Brett elected not to show CeCe, since they are working on their new partnership.

Unfortunately, the horse show was so well attended that I decided to scratch Bart because the schedule put classes into the very late evening hours. Lotta arrived to watch the girls show, and she took Crumlin home. Brett decided to send CeCe home with Ali, who has a stable called Boxwood near us. As the day wore on, Jane and Susan decided to scratch from their Saturday classes. It was Team Sweden’s day eventually, with all the old folks exhausted.

Speaking of older people, we were sad that we were unable to make it to Chicago for Aunt Pat’s 90th birthday party March 2, and we were thinking of the family fun all day. In England, too, Aunty Gill celebrated her 90th on March 6. They are the last of their generations on their respective sides of the family, both young brides to our uncles, who have gone before.

Our horse show family was out in force as March came in like a lamb. On Sunday, Jane and Susan showed, and collected equivalent primary color ribbons with beautiful rounds. Eddy got a lot of horse show exposure and was a good boy, despite an attack of gastrointestinal embarrassment.

Despite the huge turnout, the show was well run, with nice courses and much fun. While I was at the horse show, Harry entertained a visit from Kathy and Wayne, who saw the place in utter chaos, but took it in good humor. I arrived home in time to snap a picture as they were leaving.

Nathaniel made the most of the pleasant weather, putting final touches on a drainage area to the north of the pasture. Spring rains will test his work.

With no time to get caught up, pacemaker surgery week was busy, though of course, time was allowed to watch Brett and Jane and Susan in a lesson with Ali at Boxwood (formerly Mechlins’).

Spring flowers are early and most welcome during this stressful week. Yesterday, Harry had a pacemaker installed, and we have spent the night at the hospital. As luck would have it, the beautiful weather gave way to rain, so we are not missing much outdoor fun, anyway. We will be glad to get home.

The surgery went smoothly and Harry has a nice roommate, and extraordinary nurses. We are hoping to get released before noon. There are many sad and difficult cases in hospital. It serves to reinforce just how lucky we are. Not that we needed that. More than ever, we count our blessings and try to appreciate every day.

Be well, stay safe, be grateful and curious. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

11 thoughts on “Chaotic Times”

  1. Jessica Billstrom-Saxon

    What a couplets of weeks you have had! Wonerful seeing you this past weekend and we hope you and Harry get some well earned rest❤️

  2. If there is one place to go for smiles, wonderful photographs and lots of animals and birds, it is here! I don’t know how you keep track of so many family and friends, never mind the horses, cats and wildlife! I think you are a wizard of time management!

  3. I’m so jealous of your pileated woodpeckers
    Please send some of them my way!
    It’s such a happy thing to see the flowers coming up and believe it or not your hyacinth are better than mine.
    Stay well

  4. Thinking about Harry and you. I love the pictures, makes me happy since i can’t get out .

  5. No wonder you’re tired, off to Iowa and then the horse show. Whew~ sounds like a lot. You are a great family member, so loyal. Love the photos! thank you Blessings to Harry! And, Weedy looking so handsome and loyal, And, Your wonderful Eddie, so happy!

  6. So happy to hear Harry is recovering well. An overnight stay for something as complex as a pacemaker seems short, but modern medicine is quick these days.
    Great pictures of birds and flowers and people. How on earth do you keep track of all those cousins, never mind the offspring!
    As always, thanks for making me look less old than I am!

  7. Wonderful pictures. So glad Harry’s pacemaker went in without incident. Miss You xoxo

  8. I hope Harry’s pacemaker is a wonderful one and works perfectly! Weedy certainly looked very eager for Harry’s return! Eddy certainly looked tired at the horse show, and the photo credits didn’t even mention that he was in the photo! Haha!!

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