Catching Up – December 30, 2020

It was a miserable day, but a busy one. Let’s step back a day or two…

The animals are fed before we eat breakfast. We are greatly entertained in exchange by the birds. Here is a pileated woodpecker series of pictures.

Laura brought us a little live Christmas tree, and Rebecca sent us a silver snowflake that served perfectly as a star.

Corinne sent Christmas treats for all. Harry gave the first fancy dog biscuit to Weedy, of course!

How about a visit to Jane’s house, Winford Farm, next door…

Marmalade ventured into the barn for Christmas!

The Pearl Brothers got a bit dramatic, and gave me some gray hair for Christmas. Oisin managed to hang a leg over the fence. He has some minor cuts on his pastern, and has enjoyed a course of antibiotics, which meant delicious breakfast and supper meals with pills. He thinks it was worth it.

Finally, out in Montana, Rainy seems to have received a hat from Santa.

Stay safe, stay well, stay lucky.

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