Best Laid Plans… September 5

Well, this day certainly did not go as planned. Spoiler alert – no horse show news.

Mehlers, the erosion project people, called to postpone again, which was not unexpected, our project being small in comparison to many. I brought the horses in, moved the trailer forward for loading Bart, and then Jane called. She had a sore throat last night, and awoke with it this morning, so she tested for Covid, and to her great dismay, she was positive for Covid. Yikes!

Since I had been in a car with Jane yesterday, Harry and I tested, and we were negative. But we did have to notify our expected houseguest of this complication. Gay, our dear friend from San Francisco, whose stay has been happily anticipated for months, had to forego her visit. Like Harry, she is “of a certain age”, as are other friends, with whom she is staying on this visit home to Midwestern roots. Out of an abundance of caution, she sadly decided not to visit, lest she spread sickness, though we did have a delightful conversation as we bemoaned the bad luck. I took pictures of the ready room, and the delicious shrimp curry that would be missed.

I decided not to show Bart today, since the NEC does not have great ventilation, and I do not want to bring sickness home. It didn’t help to have seen a friend at the show yesterday who told us about having Covid in early August. She got sick while at the NEC at a dressage show and was taken by ambulance to a hospital, where she almost died. And she is relatively young! There is a lot of this new Covid strain about, and we do not want to risk it.

Poor Jane feels awful about the timing, and she is not very sick, but she has scratched from the whole Pre Charity Show and will decide about next week as things develop. I delivered some shrimp curry to her doorstep, but am keeping my distance, just in case. I will probably officially scratch, too, tomorrow.

With an unexpected free day, I decided to attend to a broken fence board. What luck! The horses had broken another board at the same place, and they could have stepped right out of the pasture! Thanks to Jane’s misfortune, the horses are securely in their pasture this evening. I forgot to take an “after” picture, but this is what I found in a place that could not be seen from the house.

Well, not happy horse show news, I’m afraid, but we have more good luck than bad, and we feel very grateful for that. And for these wonderful dogs…

Stay well! Stay grateful, and enjoy the ride. As Gilda Radnor said “It’s always something”. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

7 thoughts on “Best Laid Plans… September 5”

  1. Goodness, no chance to visit at the horse show. It seems as though Covid is the gift that keeps on giving, even if we are tired of it.

  2. Got my new Covid shot as well as a flu shot yesterday. Laid out a Covid test with my items to take across the pond on the 15th . This is the trip John and I had planned and my cousin from Catawba Island has offered to go with me. We will go to our old apartment in Les Arcs sur Argens for 10 days and then up to Giverny to Monets house. Coming home mid October. Hope to see you two then. Stay well and happy and love each other muchly!

  3. I was soooo miserable that my anticipated visit to see you had to be scratched and although acceding to age and caution is definitely not my long suit, in this case it seemed prudent also something usually notably lacking in my skill set! Ah well, seeing the pictures of the lovely summer flowers and shrimp curry that had been waiting for me cheered me somewhat and I will simply look forward to making it back sooner rather than later, God willing and the creek don’t rise!

  4. Best laid plans! That’s too bad about Jane but caution is certainly wise. I hope Jane throws it off quickly. Best wishes to her.

  5. Darn Covid! But, safe happy horses with their mended fence. Very sad about Jane’s Covid attack and Gay’s visit. You are the hostess with the mostess! I especially benefited from it and have not forgotten. I will never forget mine and Barry’s visit to your paradise. Eddie and Weedy look pleased with one another, love how Eddie moved in and still seems to own the place. Look at him in your guest room! What a happy place for all!!

  6. Darn I’m so sorry Covid ruined so many wonderful plans for everyone. I got both my flu and Covid shots last week. I hope you and Harry get yours soon. Many people got it at the Kentucky State Fair Horse Show but I haven’t heard of anyone getting very sick with it. If it would only go away altogether, that would be wonderful.

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