Absent – August 21

I have been gone from blogging for so long that I cannot figure out how to get back.

We have lost another dear friend, another Bill. His smile will resonate always with we who were lucky to know him, and he will be missed. He and Janis brought us much comfort in the difficult time of Harry’s broken femur. Whenever a small plane flies over, I think it is Bill, who was a lifelong pilot and a good man. Though I know he is gone, the sound of a plane above will always bring his smile to mind.

John Stoeckley was the first of this year’s cascade of losses. I spoke to his wife, Karen, and she tells me that she will be having a big sale of John’s beautiful artwork this coming weekend. A pleasant drive north to the Mississippi River town of Louisiana, Missouri will take you to John Stoeckley’s “Reflections of Missouri” gallery at 107 S. 9th Street, Louisiana MO 63353

John’s art will be on sale from 10 AM until 5 PM this Saturday, August 24th, 2024 at the gallery. All originals, matted pieces and many framed pieces are available. Refreshments will also be served. Karen is hoping to get the word out, so please pass the information to anyone who wants an artistic adventure to a beautiful old town.

More to follow soon. All humans and animals at Bronze Fox Farm, and next door at Jane’s Winford Farm are well.

Be well, treasure your friends. As Willie Nelson sings – “live every day like it was your last one, and one day you’re gonna be right…” Slava Ukraini! Peace.

7 thoughts on “Absent – August 21”

  1. How beautiful to look up to the sky in hope and in remembrance of a good friend. Condolences to Janice, her family, and dear friends.

  2. Missed you too. Condolences and comfort to you and Harry, Janis and her family and friends.
    Slava Ukraini

  3. Hi Anne,
    I’m so sorry you lost another friend. His artwork looks beautiful. I always love hearing about the going on bronze fox farm. lots of love to you and Harry and all the critters. xoxoxo

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