A New Year – January 1, 2022

Not sure about lions and lambs, that’s a March superstition, but this year has entered on a wet, miserable note. We awoke to a steady rain and temperatures just above freezing. Morning chores are the same, regardless of weather, and the horses went out as usual, though much time was spent in the shed.

In the house, Arthur came up from the basement while we were having breakfast. Roscoe is still fairly disgusted by this turn of events.

I spent most of the morning doing barn work. I am not as efficient as Marianne, but I had a good audiobook to keep me occupied. I also had some help with the water buckets from Harry, saving me about an hour.

The birds were as wet and miserable as the rest of us, but they still had to eat, so I took a few pictures.

After lunch, our friend, Sue, warned us that ice was heading our way. She lives in Columbia, so her weather precedes ours by a bit. The horses were sick of standing around, and some horseplay had been entertaining, if a bit frightening.

Oisin begged to come in, and it really was horrid, so I brought the horses in an hour early. Turnout is a luxury that these horses enjoy, but today wasn’t much fun. Bart rolled to dry off as soon as he got to his stall.

I collected Harry from the studio, and he built a beautiful, warm fire. The porch is an ice rink, and we are being very cautious and hoping tomorrow, though colder, will be a better day.

Just before dark, when I fed the horses, I ventured down to the ring to get the lunge line I had left out in the weather. The ring is pretty wet! Riding conditions are not looking good for the next couple of weeks. Ah, well, time to get life in order!

Stay safe, stay well. Stay warm and dry. Peace.

6 thoughts on “A New Year – January 1, 2022”

  1. Yikes stay safe in that mess! Happy to see Arthur making progress. Lucky horses you have 😊

    1. The nasty Columbia weather avoided us – turned to snow flurries, so my dreaded ice is NOT a problem today, hooray. Hope you and yours are having a Happy New Year up north!

  2. Arthur looks such a sweetie. Of course I have a soft spot for grey cats. Wonderful photos of the horses. Stay warm and off the ice!

    1. Arthur IS a sweetie, Carolyn. And I admit that I, too, have a soft spot for gray cats. Marilyn (the vet) said he is one of the sweetest cats that they have had in the clinic. When they were drawing blood to check for diseases, he never stopped purring! Weather has turned out to be OK after all. Cold, with a dusting of snow, and ice only on the porch, but snow has helped with traction.

    1. Actually, he has been listening to Michael Sandel lectures on philosophy. Highly recommend! They can be accessed on YouTube – search Michael Sandel Justice Lectures (start with #1 as there are 12). Complimentary Harvard introductory philosophy course. Should be required watching/listening for the entire US population.

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