A Horribly Hot Week – August 30, 2024

Missouri summer weather hit us like a hammer this week. Rebecca was scheduled to come over on Monday, and I suggested it might be too hot. But she was determined to finish the job we had started a week before, when we cut some fence boards for the north pasture. With our bandanas on hand to mop sweat, we set to work, ignoring the heat advisory.

I had replaced the fence posts, so “all” we had to do was put up oak boards. Sixteen foot long, true 1 inch by 6 inch boards. That might not mean much to some of my readers, but believe me, those are heavy! It was brutal, but Rebecca kept our spirits up, and insisted we finish the entire project, which we very nearly did. Unfortunately, at the end we were interrupted by a scheduled deck replacement consultant. Inspired by Rebecca, I went back to work in the heat on Tuesday and finished up. Now, we await the erosion repair, after which we can finish the fence completely and use the pasture again. Such is the idyllic life on a farm at the end of August.

Tuesday morning, Harlan was here in high spirits despite the heat. Tuesday evening, we went out to dinner, and I just had to take a picture of the outside temperature when we were in the car.

Bart had to work despite the weather, with the horse shows upon us next week.

Oisin and Stone scratch each other’s itches and are glad they don’t have to horse show!

Wednesday, I watched Jane and Brett and Susan take a lesson at Ali’s Boxwood. It was an inspiration. Now, Jane and I are proceeding with the plan to show for the next two weeks. Entries are made. Yikes!

On Thursday, I rode early, and went into town for breakfast with Marquita, a friend since we were 6 years old. Our paths have diverged over the years, and it was fun to reconnect, and to meet her dog, Cody, who is a Coton de Tulear, the royal dog of Madagascar, a breed I had never heard of. It was hot, even just sitting around and talking, but wonderful to catch up!

Today dawned very hot again, and the long awaited erosion control project is postponed until Tuesday. It was just as well, because rains rolled in this afternoon. We needed moisture, and it brings cooler weather, so that is most welcome for the coming week of horse showing, though not great for erosion, of course! Our big project today was getting the new Covid vaccine.

I took some pictures around our blessedly peaceful farm. One reader (a fellow childless cat lady) has requested more Roscoe photos, so here are some birds and flowers and cats and dogs to finish the hot work week.

And finally…

Be safe, be well, be grateful, be curious, and pay attention. Slava Ukraini! Peace.

8 thoughts on “A Horribly Hot Week – August 30, 2024”

  1. Oof, I admire you doing such work in brutally hot weather! For that matter, I admire you for doing it, period! Best wishes for your upcoming shows. I hope the heat will moderate soon.

  2. I feel like such a slouch after looking at your fence work. Good for you, but I hope you didn’t get heatstroke. I missed a few weeks of your blogs. Maybe you didn’t do one or two of them or maybe because I was traveling going to horse shows and judging a horse show that I just overlooked them, but I’m so glad to be reading this one right now. I’ve been doing back to school work at William Woods all day and just got home and had the opportunity to look at all your beautiful photos. You must make a coffee table book someday soon . Kamerra, our Huntseat instructor, just left us to go coach the inter collegiate team at our alma mater in South Dakota. We are looking for a Hunt instructor so if you have any ideas, please let me know. Thanks so much.

  3. Bravo fence builders, so glad you survived that! Your pictures are stunning as always. Tell Rosie she is a beauty. Wonderful to see you’re riding. Looking forward hearing about horse show adventures. Take care of yourselves.
    Slava Ukraini

  4. As always, I admire your work ethic. I cannot imagine wrestling with huge fence boards in the heat, whilst I can barely manage walking the dog.

  5. Anne, I love reading your blog to start my day! Not only is it impressive, but very inspiring. Thank you for sharing and including me! I think you and Harry are amazing, and I have so much love and respect for the way you live your lives.

    You are so busy, but you do your chores with enthusiasm and joy. Wow!

    Hope we can find a date for dinner soon.

  6. I love this blog, and I love the replies! Some of which gave me a chuckle, as with Janis’ “Whilst I can barely manage walking the dog.” Referring of course to your fence mending, and your’s and Harry’s industry. I try to ignore that side of you all, it simply makes me feel inert.
    As to Rosie, I’d say she looks formidable and pretty, the perfect woman! I’ll get my “you know what” out to the horse show, Happy Horses, Happy Days!! Bart is so handsome, Stone and Oisin look as though they are enjoying hanging out. Funny, but in my experience horses do love just “being” (definirely with us around to wait on them and to supply their every need). Horses are the Zen Masters just by their presence.

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