A Busy Week… And 39 Years – September 28

Exactly 39 years ago, also on a Saturday, September 28, 1985… Jane turned 33, and Harry and I were married on a beautiful early autumn day, celebrating after the ceremony at the home my family came to in 1960.

The week began with a new camera, a long awaited event. I am still in the process of learning and growing accustomed to this new partner. It’s a bit intimidating.

For weeks, I was looking forward to a Ladies’ Lunch, and on Tuesday I awoke with a cold. After testing for Covid (negative) I joined 5 beloved friends, making an effort to keep my distance. But I did take pictures.

Laura, pictured above, was the maid of honor at our wedding all those years ago. Alas, on Wednesday, she fell off a chair that she was using to access a high cabinet (at 6 AM) and she is now in hospital with 5 broken ribs and a punctured lung. With luck, she will be released tomorrow. Dorothy is a wonderful sister, and has delayed her return to New York to make sure Laura is settled and healing at home. I dare not visit her because I still have a bit of a cold, though I am on the mend.

Meanwhile, Wednesday brought Linda McClaren Parkhurst our way (niece of Jane McClaren, one of the ladies at lunch). Linda travels in a quite magnificent camper, with her cat Dobby. They departed Michigan and headed to Missouri to do a riding clinic at William Woods University, where Linda was the head of the Hunter / Jumper program for many years. Now, she is an artist and a writer and continues to be a dear friend. After her clinic, going on this weekend, she will drive to the southwest for more clinics, then wend her way homeward across Nebraska. She is an intrepid traveler, and will be on the road through October. Husband Ted will miss her, but has Zelda, his cat, for company. We were lucky to have Linda visit, but we were cautious. Although I tested negative for everything (Covid, Flu A and B) on Wednesday morning, we did mask, and Linda slept in her camper with Dobby. Even so, we had a great time.

We had a quick breakfast with Linda on Thursday, then rushed off to the Saint Louis Zoo for the unveiling of the Jeffrey Bonner sculpture. I had not realized just how far zoos have progressed in the half century since I have been to a zoo. The unveiling was a ceremony by invitation, and the group was treated to an amusing and inspiring speech by Bonner himself, followed by a private sea lion show at Sea Lion Sound, one of the spectacular exhibits that he was instrumental in accomplishing during his tenure as President and CEO of the Zoo.

Every animal at the zoo is trained in husbandry behavior, making them easy to handle, and also providing stimulation. All the training is done by positive reinforcement. It is truly astonishing. As for the Sea Lion show, it is rated #1 in the WORLD by Awesome Ocean. It was a real privilege to watch. Afterwards, we wandered through the zoo on our way back to the cars with Vlad, who is well acquainted with the zoo. It was a memorable day.

Back home, the deck replacement project continues, and there was some work to do on the erosion project, with rain on the way. As always, Harry went to work in the studio. It was a busy late afternoon.

Friday brought rain. We spent most of the day doing routine medical stuff, counting our blessings that we were not at the hospital for anything important – or painful, like poor Laura! We were home in time for a magnificent sunset, and a rainbow over the house. Red sky promised a nice day for birthday / anniversary, and it told the truth.

Be safe, be well. Heal quickly when things go awry! Slava Ukraini! Peace.

10 thoughts on “A Busy Week… And 39 Years – September 28”

  1. Congratulations to you and Harry. I do remember your wedding and reception at Conway Rd. home. A beautiful day in so many ways. And 39 years later you both are still a wonderful couple with so much love.
    Thanks for your blogs with your pictures of family, animals, nature, and the sculptures!
    Am ready to take another trip and see all the ones since the last trip.
    Stay well and love to you both. Aunt Pat

  2. I can’t wait to see the Bonner sculpture in person! We visit the zoo often in the winter months when the crowds are less. Happy Anniversary!

  3. Happy Anniversary Anne and Harry and Happy Birthday Week Jane!
    Planning a visit to the zoo on my next trip. Long Live Love.
    Slava Ukraini

  4. Happy anniversary to you and Harry. Congratulations for 39 years. The pictures from your wedding are fun to see.
    And your zoo pictures are spectacular. What kind of camera did you buy?

  5. Anne, I love your wedding photos! And your beautiful comment; it would be lovely if every woman could say that even after one year of marriage, much less after 39 years! What a blessing. You are a wonderful, special couple, and the love you share still radiates today.
    Your Zoo photos are great;exceptional quality. I’m ready to go to the zoo to see the statue and the show (hope it’s still on.).

  6. Happy Anniversary!! You two are such a beautiful and loving couple. And Happy Birthday to Jane!
    Thanks for the great photos.

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