<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"
	Comments on: A New Modem	</title>
	<atom:link href="https://gallopingthrough.com/a-new-modem/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
	<description>Some notes on the ride of a lifetime...</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Sat, 12 Nov 2022 19:10:14 +0000</lastBuildDate>
	hourly	</sy:updatePeriod>
	1	</sy:updateFrequency>
		By: Louise Salmon		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Louise Salmon]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sat, 12 Nov 2022 19:10:14 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gallopingthrough.com/?p=21439#comment-3000</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[That recon was indeed gorgeous.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>That recon was indeed gorgeous.</p>
		By: Mark		</title>

		<pubDate>Sat, 05 Nov 2022 17:57:47 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gallopingthrough.com/?p=21439#comment-2991</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Glad you&#039;re back on-line with enough bps to tide you over until satellite arrives. Living in nature, alongside other creatures, what a gift! Recently I heard about &quot;Bewilderment&quot;, a novel by Richard Powers that came out a year ago. Listened to Ezra Klein interview the author, some intriguing thoughts on our place in the natural world and technologies like government and religion. I plan to read it, though it was bewilderingly and mercilessly slammed as too saccharine in a NY Times review.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Glad you&#8217;re back on-line with enough bps to tide you over until satellite arrives. Living in nature, alongside other creatures, what a gift! Recently I heard about &#8220;Bewilderment&#8221;, a novel by Richard Powers that came out a year ago. Listened to Ezra Klein interview the author, some intriguing thoughts on our place in the natural world and technologies like government and religion. I plan to read it, though it was bewilderingly and mercilessly slammed as too saccharine in a NY Times review.</p>
		By: Harry Weber		</title>

		<dc:creator><![CDATA[Harry Weber]]></dc:creator>
		<pubDate>Sat, 05 Nov 2022 16:08:41 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gallopingthrough.com/?p=21439#comment-2989</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[All those animals.  How lucky are we!]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>All those animals.  How lucky are we!</p>
		By: Carolya		</title>

		<pubDate>Sat, 05 Nov 2022 15:45:43 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gallopingthrough.com/?p=21439#comment-2988</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Such wonderful horses!]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Such wonderful horses!</p>
		By: Woody		</title>

		<pubDate>Sat, 05 Nov 2022 15:45:28 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://gallopingthrough.com/?p=21439#comment-2987</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Missed you Anne.]]></description>
			<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Missed you Anne.</p>

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